Saturday, 2 November 2013

A few quotes from season five

There was a moment when I considered writing fan fiction. A part of me will always shy away from this genre as it tends to still have a stigma attached to it. I can appreciate those who do indulge in such stories and perhaps one day I shall write something. In the meantime, I decided to take a few notes. It is always important to note how other characters perceive your protagonist and how your hero views himself. I decided to jot down some notes. There were moments when I couldn't decide which category they belonged to so I created a third for moments that amused me. Here is what I discovered.

I should also point out Vincent and the Doctor is actually one of my favourite all time episodes. The only other ones that come close are The Eleventh Hour. The Rings of Akhaten  and Midnight. I shall be adding more items on the various episodes listed below, but for now I shall just include my notes. 

What Others Say About The Doctor

“You know what’s dangerous about you. It’s not that you make people take risks. It’s that you make them want to impress you. You make it so they don’t to let you down. You have no idea how dangerous you are when other people are around.” – Rory
The Vampires of Venice

Amy: You always save everybody.
Doctor: Not everybody.
Amy: Then what good are you?
Amy’s Choice

The Doctor On Himself
“You know how you say something in your head and it sounds fine.”  (on Amy kissing him and that she’s a good kisser)
The Vampires of Venice

Rosetta: One city to save an entire species. Was that so much to ask?
Doctor: I told you, you can’t go back and change time. You mourn, but you live.  I know, Rosetta, I did it.
The Vampires of Venice

Dream lord: Friends? Is that the real world for people you acquire? Friends are people you stay in touch with. Your friends never see you again once they grow up. The old man prefers the company of the young. Does he not?
Amy’s Choice
The Hungry Earth and Cold Blood
Amy: Oh please, have you always been so disgusting?
Doctor: No, it’s recent. (eating grass)

Kid: Do you ever miss it? (home)
Doctor: So much.

Kid: Are you scared of them? (monsters)
Doctor: No, they’re scared of me.

No, you’re really not, because I’m the last of my species and I know how it sits in the heart. So don’t insult me. Let’s start again. Tell me your name. (Doctor to Sirulion)

Vincent and the Doctor
Doctor: I remember Michael Angelo painting the Sistine chapel. Wow, what a winger. If you’re scared of heights, you shouldn’t have taken the job… And Picasso, what a gassy old goat! I kept telling him concentrate. Hello.  It’s one eye on either side of the face.

I don’t belong on this planet. I’m also alone. If you trust me, we can come up with some kind of you know understanding and then who knows.

Doctor: I’m really stupid and I’m growing old.

Doctor Who Quotes
The Vampires of Venice
Doctor: “Yeah, not helping” (on others saying they think he is Amy’s fiancĂ©)

Rory:     And you kissed her back?
Doctor: No, I kissed her mouth. She kissed me, because I was there. It should have been you. (on Amy)

Rory:     Yours is bigger than mine.
Doctor: Let’s not go there. (on their flashlights)

Doctor: I’m a Time Lord. You’re a big fish. Think of the children. (on partnering with the venetian fish lady)

Doctor: You know why? You didn’t know Isabella’s name. (on why he end the battle/genocide)

Doctor: Stop talking. Brain thinking. Hush.

Doctor: I knew you were going to say that. Did anyone else know he was going to say that?

Doctor: They’re not vampires. Fish in space.

Doctor: We don’t discuss this. I tell you, Amy, to do something and you do it.
Rory:     Thank you.
Doctor: You’re welcome.

Rosetta: So tell me, Doctor, can your conscious carry another dead race? Remember. Dream of us. (Rosetta leaps into the water and her death)
Doctor: Nooo.

Rory:     We are not her boys.
Doctor: yeah we are.
Rory:     Yeah, we are.
Amy’s Choice
Doctor: You swallowed a planet. You’re huge. (on seeing Amy pregnant)

Doctor: Never use force or else you’ll embarrass yourself. (on kicking the tardis)

The Hungry Earth
Amy:     That’s breaking and entering.
Doctor: What did I break? It’s sonicing and entering.

Vincent and The Doctor
Doctor: This is a matter of life and death. We need to talk to Vincent Van Gogh.

Doctor: Is this how time normally passes? Really slowly. And in the right order.

Vincent:               You’re not armed.
Doctor:                 I am.
Vincent:               With what?
Doctor:                                 Over confidence, this, and a small screwdriver and that’s absolutely sorted.

Doctor:                 Amy, one simple instruction, don’t follow me.
Vincent:               Will you follow him?
Amy:                     Of course.
Vincent:               I love you.

Doctor:                 Absolutely quiet.
Amy breathes loudly
Doctor:                 Can you breathe a little quieter please?
Amy:                     No.

Doctor:                 He’s saying something. I’m having trouble working it out. I think he’s saying I’m afraid. I’m afraid. (pats creature) There, there. Shh, shh. It’s ok. It’s ok. You’ll be fine. Shh, shh. Huh.

Doctor:                 Winning is no fun at all.

Doctor:                 I wouldn’t say that. The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. Hey. Good things don’t always soften the bad things, but I suppose the bad things don’t spoil the good things and make them unimportant. And we definitely added a lot of good things. And if you look carefully, maybe we made a couple of little changes.

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