Sunday, 3 November 2013

The Big Bang

The Big Bang concludes series five with some incredibly memorable scenes in perhaps the most sci-fi laden episode of the season. Doctor Who has never really been an entirely logical show, but that is also it's appeal. You can simply have fun. Sometimes the most fun you can have is watching how writers will explain certain issues.

One of the most interesting is to see how they will explain the resurrection of Rory and the death of Amy Pond. The episode begins with The Doctor trying to explain what just happened.

Doctor: Rory. Listen, she’s not dead. Well, she is dead. It’s not the end of the world. Well, it is the end of the world. Actually, it’s the end of the universe. Although-
Rory:   Doctor. Doctor-
Doctor: You need to get me out of the Pandorica.
Rory:    But you’re not in the Pandorica.
Doctor: Yes, I am. Well, I’m not now. But I was back then. Well, back now from your point of view, which is back then from my point of view. Time travel. You can’t keep it straight in your head. It’s easy to open up from the outside. Just pop in and press. (hands him the sonic screwdriver) Now go.

Doctor reappears

Doctor:                 Oh, and when you’re done, leave my screwdriver in her top pocket. Good luck.
Rory:                     What do you mean? Done what?

As always, we can trust our sonic screwdriver to do the imaginable and unexplainable...

Doctor:                 How did you do that?
Rory:                     You gave me this.
Doctor:                 (pulling out his screwdriver) No, I didn’t.
Rory:                     You did. Look at it.
So what did happen?

Doctor: History has collapsed. Whole races have been deleted from existence. These are like after images. Echoes. Fossils in time. Footprints that never were.
Rory: What does that mean?
Doctor: Total collapse. The universe literally never happened.
Rory: So how can we be here? What’s keeping us safe?
Doctor: Nothing. I haven’t sorted it out. We’re just the last light to go out. Amy. Where’s Amy?
Poetic, but not quite a full explanation. We continue to listen in hopes of finding a better answer, but instead we receive a misdirection.
Rory: I killed her.
Doctor: Oh, Rory.
Rory:  What am I?
Doctor: A nesting duplicate. Lump of plastic with delusions of humanity.
Rory: But I’m Rory now. Whatever is happening has stopped. I’m Rory now.
Doctor: That’s software talking.
Rory: Can you help her? Is there anything you can do?
Doctor: Yeah, probably, if I have the time.
Rory: The time?
Doctor:  All of creation has been wiped from the sky. Do you know how many lives never happened? All the people who never lived? Your girlfriend isn’t more important than the whole universe.
Rory:  (punches doctor) She is to me!
Doctor:  Welcome back, Rory Williams! Sorry, I had to be sure. You have a gun in your pocket there. Alright, we need to take her downstairs and take that look off your plastic face. You’ll have to be married in the morning.

I think we just need to accept what they have given us. Then who can forget these moments

I often wondered what it would have been like for Karen to work with her younger cousin pictured above or Matt to work with both cousins. In any case, it is delightful to see Matt reunited with Caitlin and let's admit it, it's just great to see Matt work with kids. ;) And who can forget the fez...


One of the most heartbreaking moments is when we hear The Doctor's voice sound old as he reminisces with the girl who waited

Doctor:                 Sorry, I thought you could hear me I could handle it somehow. Silly me. Silly old doctor. When you wake up, you’ll have a mum and dad. And you won’t ever remember me. Well, you’ll remember me a little. I’ll be a story in your head. That’s ok. We’re all stories in the end. Just make it a good one, eh? Cuz it was you know. It was the best. A daft old man who stole a magic box and ran away. Did I ever tell you I stole it? I borrowed it. I was going to take it back. Oh, that box. Amy. You’ll dream about that box. It’ll never leave you. Big and little at the same time. Brand new and ancient and the bluest blue ever. And the times we had, eh? Would had. Never. In your dreams, I’ll still be there. The Doctor and Amy Pond. The day that never came. Cracks are closing, but they can’t close properly until I’m on the other side. I don’t belong here anymore. I think I’ll skip the rest of the rewind. I hate repeats. Live well. Love Rory. Bye, bye Pond.
Following that, one of the most uplifting moments is when we see the Tardis appear in the middle of
reception hall and The Doctor peeks out in a tux. I think many can empathize with Amy's reaction
upon seeing him as well.

Doctor:                 Hello everyone. I’m Amy’s imaginary friend, but I came anyway.
Amy:                     You may definitely kiss the bride.
Doctor:                 I’ll leave the kissing to Rory.

Then we have a tender moment when The Doctor unknowingly proposes to River

 The dance scene is probably one of the cutest points of the episode as we end with a point of reflection

Doctor:                 2000 years. The boy who waited. Good on ya mate.

We say goodbye to series five with a possible future for Mr and Mrs. Pond and their enchanting Doctor

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