Wednesday, 6 November 2013

The Girl Who Waited

I've been melancholic lately and irritated I cannot write well, but I will attempt to express how I feel about The Girl Who Waited. This episode always makes me weep inconsolably and on days like today that can be quite cathartic.

I cannot completely imagine 36 years of solitude, but I can empathize with the sense of loneliness and despair. Despite all my pursuits of a better life, my path has been somewhat unremarkable as of late. The unproductivity and stagnation of it all can make a person feel guilty for all the things they want to give their loved ones and to themselves. The simple act of sitting alone with no one to talk to for hours and only your own insecurities to keep you company can lead you down a hellish spiral. It is in these moments when it would be nice if you had a Doctor.  
In the episode, future Amy has become self-reliant, a warrior, and a technological wizard who can create her own sonic screwdrivers. It is no wonder she is reluctant to allow her accomplishments and years of survival vanish within a blink of an eye. It is understandable why she clings so dearly onto this life she built for herself no matter how bleak it may be and no matter how lonely it has become that her only friend is a robot named Rory. I believe no matter how sorrowful a person's life has become, you need to hold onto the positive moments and relish even the smallest of victories.
It is heartbreaking to see Rory have to choose between this older samurai like Amy and his beloved wife that we have seen up to this point. The scene where Rory and older Amy talk through the door after the Doctor snatches all sense of hope and justice away from Amy always makes me cry.
I cannot help being a young girl in awe of her Doctor when I watch these episodes. I see Matt with his burgundy suspenders and bowtie and a wave of serenity washes over me. Although I cannot feel completely comforted by the Doctor in this particular episode, there is something about the quirky pirouetting mad man in a box that does make me feel like all will be right in the world.
Now onto the next episode...

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