Friday, 15 November 2013

Terror of the Zygons and other news

Six things I noticed in Terror of the Zygons

1. Steven Moffat was 14 and David Tennant was 4 when Terror of the Zygons first aired. Considering the story is set in Scotland and both men are Scottish, I can see the appeal of adding them into the anniversary special. I wouldn't have chosen them, but at least I get it now.

2. The Doctor hypnotizes Sarah with a Tibetan Monk trick. What?

3. Now I know where David gets his wide eyes from. Damn you, Tom.

(ok. That picture isn't from the episode, but I think you see where I'm going with this)

3. The ship console and Zygon body prints reminds me of David Cronenberg's Videodrome and Naked Lunch. There blend of organic with machine seems to be a common theme. David would have been 32 when the episode aired. The episode also predates Videodrome by eight years and Naked Lunch by 16 years. The book, however, written by William S Burroughs predates the episode by 16 years.

4. Loch Ness is real and a cyborg. What?

5. The episode still has some humour with Sarah sticking her tongue out.

6. The Zygorn fight at the end reminds me of Kirk and the Gorn.

If you want to learn more about them, you can read about them in this article here

In other news, apparently RadioTimes readers are huge David Tennant fans. Read about it here and their favourite moments here

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