Friday, 15 November 2013

Day of the Doctor clip from Children in Need

I'm currently on a homework overdrive trying to prepare for the upcoming anniversary special. My apparent lack of knowledge relating to the Eighth Doctor has me feeling a bit uneasy. I'm listening to the radio dramas and watching Terror of the Zygons as I think that might come in handy as well. It's always nice to take a break and watch our boys in action.
For some reason, the video I am watching without the bear doesn't pop up in my search function for this blog. I shall just post the link here 
I love the moment when the Doctor steals the fez and waits for a reaction from Clara who doesn't seem quite as amused. I also can't help but think Matt would have been perfect as Sherlock when he bends over to examine the shattered glass.
Who else was excited to see a glimpse of the War Doctor on the tablet when the Doctor and his guide examine the missing figure from the painting?
The little toss of the fez and leap into the vortex yelling Geronimo was equally brilliant.
I think we may all agree the best part if when David puts on the fez.
I'd love to hear your thoughts.


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